Unlock $1000 cash for every confirmed sale and $250 for a successful Property Management

Earn upto $1000 in referral when you refer RealSnap to your friends, family and networks!
Join Our Exciting Referral Program and Become an Affiliate!

Spread the word about RealSnap, and earn as you go. It’s free, easy, and there’s no limit to your potential earnings.

Unlock $1000 cash for every confirmed sale and $250 for a successful Property Management

Earn upto $1000 in referral when you refer RealSnap to your friends, family and networks

Join Our Exciting Referral Program and Become an Affiliate!


Spread the word about RealSnap, and earn as you go. It’s free, easy, and there’s no limit to your potential earnings.

Are you ready to add upto $1000 to your pocket? We've got an irresistible opportunity for you!

Are you looking for an easy way to earn extra money while helping others find great real estate services? We’re excited to introduce our exclusive referral program, open to everyone! Refer any property owner or investor in Brisbane to our premier real estate services, and upon their sign-up, you’ll receive up to $1,000 in cash as a token of our appreciation.

Anyone can join as an affiliate partner and experience the benefits of our extensive real estate services.

It really is that simple – all you need to do is recommend RealSnap to others in your networks and then sit back and reap the rewards! If you know someone who could benefit from our real estate expertise, we would love to collaborate with you.

Reasons to Partner with Us

Interested in earning upto $1000 per successful referral?
Find out how with the RealSnap Partner Program – it’s free to join!

Lowest Property Management fee (4.5% + GST) and Selling fee (1% + GST) in Brisbane

Our team of experienced professionals provides top-notch services tailored to the unique needs of our clients.

Maximize Your Earnings

Earn upto $1000 cash for every successful referral - it's an effortless way to boost your income.

Streamlined Solutions

We streamline the process, making it easy for property owners to trust us with their investments.

Make money and help others

By referring your friends and networks to us, you're providing them with access to reliable services. We offer a seamless experience for property owners/ investors and renters fostering long-term satisfaction.
You can also invite others to become affiliates and receive 25% of their commission for as long as they generate commission.

No limits and speedy payments

Refer more clients to RealSnap, earn more money—it's that simple! Earn $5,000 when 5 referrals settle with RealSnap, or $20,000 for 20 referrals. There's no upper payment limit, so your income can grow with your audience.
Focus your efforts on generating interest and leads from property owners in Brisbane and watch your earnings grow.

How It Works

Clients can click on an affiliate link on your social media channel or email

The clients browses our site and makes an enquiry, requests a property appraisal or sign up for our services

We track where the enquiry came from and pay you commission. It’s that straightforward!

If this person ends up renting or selling their property through us, you get upto $1000 for the deal signed off.

Getting Started

Effortlessly earn commissions with our flexible real estate affiliate program.

Fill out the Form
Refer People
Earn Money

Ready to Partner & Earn?

With the RealSnap Partner Program, you can leverage your website or profile to earn a passive income. Whether you’re a mortgage broker, a tradie, a property blogger, or a community group member, making a passive income has never been easier. You can make money via your website, blog or Facebook page in just a few simple steps!
We offer a competitive referral program to acknowledge the value you bring to the partnership – receive upto $1000 cash for each successful referral.

Are you ready to explore how our partnership can benefit both of us? Sign up now to start getting paid for generating leads or sales.

Contact Us

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